這次回程必去點 詩巫中央市場(Sibu Central Market) ,市場內家禽、野菜、蔬果、乾貨、雜糧、點心…等可說是應有盡有,來一趟保證不虛此行;這次主編的重點為二,一個是當地特有的水果及我要看那個紙包雞… 詩巫中央市場(Sibu Central Market)很多愛好旅行的旅友們都會推存這個點,但很少人介紹到這在我們自己國家看不到的幾樣水果;至於紙包雞來說,或許也有旅友們覺得有點殘忍,只能說這是當地民情及特色,尊重這國家的風俗民情。
I cannot thank you more than enough for the blogposts on your website. I know you set a lot of time and energy into these and truly hope you know how deeply I appreciate it. I hope I’ll do a similar thing person sooner or later.
I saw a similar post on another website but the points were not as well articulated.
I cannot thank you more than enough for the blogposts on your website. I know you set a lot of time and energy into these and truly hope you know how deeply I appreciate it. I hope I’ll do a similar thing person sooner or later.
Oh my goodness! an amazing article. Great work.